

Diversity in companies, markets & products:

As a result, more stability/risk spread,


Controlled growth:

Zilverwerf strives for controlled growth, both financially and organisationally.
We will not take growth risks that endanger the entire group,


Strong financial position:

We have a strong financial position. We are not too dependent on banks.
We believe it is important to be able to continue making our own policy choices,


Zilverwerf remains a family business:

This provides peace of mind in the organization. Decisions that are good for the business can be made quickly,


Invest & Innovate:

We invest and innovate in new products, techniques, machines and possibly acquisitions of additional companies to the existing ones.
Attention will be paid to further automation/robotization, but at the same time investing in our most important capital…….. our employees !!!
We will let them develop further through training, but above all, offer growth prospects within the companies of Zilverwerf.